Managed EDR Services for
Microsoft Defender

“The riskiest threat is the one you don’t know about.
Unmanaged devices are literally one of your weakest links.
Smarter attackers go there first”
David Weston
David Weston
Microsoft Director of Enterprise, and OS Security.
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Poorly protected, trusted user endpoints connected to a corporate network are prized, easy targets for malicious actors. Get ahead of smart attackers. Organisations that outsource an EDR Service for Microsoft Defender to Cyberseer benefit from enterprise-wide protection 24/7.

Cyberseer’s Managed service for Microsoft Defender Endpoint provides your security team with the 24/7 monitoring of all enterprise endpoint and network devices to detect, prioritise, and respond to real threats faster. The essence of our Managed Microsoft service is to get ahead of threats like ransomware, compromised insiders, accidental data loss and malicious insiders, by finding important signals in large data sets and quickly prioritising alerts, thus reducing your business risk.

Our Expert Analysts Become an Extension of Your Team

Cyberseer’s EDR services for Microsoft Defender are powered by a team of expert Forensic Analysts, who “connect the dots”. They leverage the Defender technology to detect threats in your environment and interpret suspicious activity through a combination of expert human analysis and investigation. Our Analyst’s work as an extension of your security team and build up a good understanding of your environment and organisation. This style of working relationship is key as it provides further context for the analysts to understand the impact of a threat. The essence of the EDR service is understanding if a surfaced anomaly is worthy of investigation and therefore a real threat in the context of your organisation’s environment. Their aim is to improve your team’s productivity by prioritising their focus on the threats that matter.

Microsoft Defender for Endpoint

EDR Services for Microsoft Defender

Sample Threat Report

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Direct Point of Contact

An Analyst familiar with your environment is directly accessible via phone. Not only that but we are also with you every step of the way, so that your team can get back to doing what they love.

The benefits of using the Defender Service:

  • Quickly stop threats – Stop sophisticated threats and attacks like ransomware in their tracks with built-in AI-based automation and take automatic remediation actions to quickly fix impacted machines.
  • Advanced threat hunting – With a query-based threat hunting tool Cyberseer Analysts can proactively find breaches and create custom detections and hunting queries within your environment. Analysts are provided with the ability to hunt for compromise over six months of historical data across the organisation.
  • Speak to Expert Analysts – Our expert analysts “connect the dots” and become an extension of your team and build up a good understanding of your environment and organisation. They leverage the technology to detect and examine threats in your environment and classify and score them in terms of severity and confidence in line with the MITRE ATT&CK framework. Not only that, but they will also assist your organisation with gaining the full potential from Microsoft Defender for Endpoint Technology, provide recommendations for configuration such as tuning, ensure you are taking fully advanced of Advanced threat hunting and auto-remediation features as well as build bespoke detection queries and rules tailored to your business needs and environment.
Managed Cloud Security
  • 24×7 Priority Alerts – Cyberseer’s Automated Security Platform for Enriching Cyber Threats – ASPECT – is at the core of the Cyberseer Managed Service. It is a proprietary, 24×7, distributed platform that integrates with Microsoft Defender for Endpoint via API to pull alerts for enrichment, prioritisation, and escalation to our cybersecurity analysts. Our 24/7 service alerts you to concerning high-fidelity incidents, which could be indicative of an attack taking place and requiring urgent attention.

  • Weekly & Monthly Threat Reports – Receive regular reports on incidents within your environment. This includes vulnerability reports for systems and applications based on severity, information on targeted malware and email campaigns, alongside remediation actions. With this service solution, threats are no match.
“Having direct contact with Cyberseer’s Analyst is the main differentiator. Cyberseer Analysts know our environment & can give high fidelity intel on the incident or triage. I’m always impressed with their level of detail”
Global Retailer, Head of information security
Head of Information Security
Global Retailer

With Cyberseer:

Stay monitored & protected 24/7 with Cyberseer SOC service,
Prioritise incidents based on threat context,
Interpret & report sophisticated threats,
Report malicious insiders,
Reduce dwell time,
Increase detection efficiency.

Cyberseer - Your innovative partner for cybersecurity solutions & expertise

Cyberseer offers a wide range of smart security solutions to protect your business data, systems, and people. We can offer you the right solution – and service to suit your individual needs.

With Cyberseer you get complete comfort with a rock-solid SLA. We provide a rapid response to incident management – real-time monitoring, coupled with process-led incident teams, reduces the time between incident awareness and remediation.

We offer highly tailored and customised expert advice, technology solutions and service offerings, so that you can be confident in what happens next when a cyber incident occurs.


In response to interest in our service for Microsoft Defender for Endpoint (MDE) we have compiled a list of Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ’s) and their answers, which we hope will broaden your knowledge.

View FAQs

Interested in Managed EDR Services for Microsoft Defender?

If you would like to know more then you can download a solution brief, request a sample threat intelligence report or get in touch with us today for a security review!

EDR Services for Microsoft Defender

Sample Threat Report

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